About Our Company

Pymma Software was founded by passionated people that have a certain conception of the way to build IT software. We have certain conviction that follows us in all our missions.

  • We avoid to re-invent the wheel
  • A successful software is the one where business users feel the positive effect in their daily tasks
  • Small success is better that long awaiting Success that often never achieves the expected level
  • Agility, Innovation, using the good tools/frameworks and having the good people with you will lead to successful projects

Our Team

Meet Our Creative Team

  • Nicolas Héron

  • < >

    History Of Our Company

    Let Us Tell You Our Story


    Getting Started with Rules Engines & Drools

    Our first big project with drools. After prototyping and using drools (version 3 and 4 at that time) behind the scene in projects, we realize a big project where drools is the core component in a loyalty server. In production since then and now in version 5.6 of drools, the loyalty server handles millions of transaction per month. It was also the first time we could help with drools core team that was small at that time. From now now, drools will accompanied us in most of our projects.

    2007 - 2010

    Project in Production with Drools & jBPM

    We now do a lot of drools projects from small to big size, at customer IT, with software editors. We start using Guvnor in our projects. As we are providing more and more pathes, the drools community accepted Nicolas Héron as a committer and project member. During this period, we start using a lot the Open Source ESB OpenESB that we help to create and live.


    Foundation of ChtiJBug Open Source Project

    Our expertise and experience with drools in projects pushes us to develop a small framework, the chtijbug framework, that speeds up the implementation of the drools framework. Many projects are in production with that framework.


    Drools Platform on the ramp

    As we are doing a lot of project in banking, insurance, credit and leasing companies, in all those projects we were implementing the same kind of functionality around drools. therefore we decided to build a platform around drools that would by default propose all those functionnalities out of the box without any development needed.


    Foundation of Pymma Software

    To be able to focus on drools projects, we decided to create Pymma Software.


    Usage of Apache Camel and Vaadin

    Acting as the lab of a software Editor, we started using apache Camel instead of OpenESB and Vaadin as a visual Framework


    Working with the Drools core team

    During a good part of the year, we worked for the drools Core Team of Redhat. A GitBook was written to help people when onboarding on drools


    A new company was borned

    Samuel Mangot founded a new company with his brother. Pymma Software concentrates exclusivly its activity around drools projects.


    Our First Major Optaplanner Project

    Starting late 2016 with a POC, we started our first major Optaplanner project. Up to now, we used Optaplanner hidden behind the scene.


    Going in production with OpenShift

    For a BToB and BToC Car Fleet Insurance Broker, we developped a new IT based on microservices and deployed on an OpenShift hosted at OVH. The microservices are all implemented wth SpringBoot, Vaadin, SpringData. Of Course, drools is used for calculating the contract costs when customer are subscribing a new Insurance Contract.

    2018 up to now

    Going in production with Ansible and Kubernetes

    The company is growing and we realize many complete projects with drools/optaplanner and jbpm. These projects are as much complete back-office as they are simple APIs. Our developments use Java11, the whole galaxy of the Spring framework, SQL and noSQL databases as well as the devops deployment mode.